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How to get started

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:18 pm
by Diddle
I havent played UO for about 10 years.

I downloaded the Razor client, Downloaded classic UO.

I added the ip and port but how do I login a server? I tried just typing in a username and password but it stops at verifying. What do i do? do i need to register with the legit UO EA games or what?


Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:118, old post ID:380

Re: How to get started

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 9:08 pm
by Red Squirrel
It depends on the server so you will want to check their forums if you have issues.  Some shards will auto create an account if you type credentials that don't exist, while some may require you to preregister.

Some shards also require specific client versions while some may simply work with newest.

You don't need to register with EA at all to play on a free shard.

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:118, old post ID:381